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Infinity Finserv (P) Ltd , An AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

Lord Krishna - a perfect advisor and a motivator !!!

Neetika Gupta

Every god in the Hinduism philosophy has some attributes associated with them. Like - When we think of Lord Rama, we think of his salient attributes of modesty, dutifulness, and righteousness; and Goddess Durga is visualized as the Divine Mother, however Lord Krishna is one god who has several attributes associated with him.

The scriptures say that every living being has some qualities that they are born with. And, the maximum one can have is 16. And, out of all the gods that took form on the planet, Shri Krishna was the only one who possessed all the 16 qualities, making him the "Sampurna Avatar"

On this Janmashtami, we wish to recall the best of advices which Krishna gave to Arjun. There are many stories and verses which shows that Lord Krishna was a perfect Guru and a perfect advisor.

Even in the world of investments, it is the wisdom and commitment of your advisor who helps you traverse through the complex investment journey. As inspired by Lord Krishna, we aim to help all our customers achieve their Financial Goals and life dreams. We aim to manage your Financial Journey in a properly balanced way, less affected by the stumbles that come along the way of your Wealth building.

Wish you a Very Happy Krishna Janmashtami



An AMFI Registered MF Distributor
AMFI Registration Number (ARN) - 20943

Date of Initial Registration -
19 July 2004

Current validation of ARN -
11 July 2026


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Disclaimer  : is an online website of Infinity Finserv Pvt Ltd. A company, registered in AMFI vide ARN - 20943 as a Mutual Fund distributor. The said website is just an electronic presentation of goal planning with self-help by investors. This site should not be treated as a financial advisory website as we do not charge for any calculation or results produced here. The website and the organisation do not guarantees any returns or financial goal success by any means. We are a no liability third party distribution house.

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